Title: PergamumThis is a high quality Giclée print, of an original oil on canvas which is part of a series of paintings about Revelation.Giclée print size – depth mm x width mm: 120 x 400Other print sizes available, please contact me for details or special requests. Prices are for a single unframed print, sold unmounted, rolled and shippedTurn around from ordering to delivery one week. Shipped carefully in an art tube.The altar of Zeus smoulders on the hill behind Pergamum like a giant seat, here referred to as the throne of satan, who is often depicted as a snake or a dragon. A double-edged sword hangs above the head of the snake. Aesculapius is one of the main gods: there is a famous teaching hospital. Pergamum also has one of the largest libraries of its time and invented parchment to write on. Pergamum stands firm and holds on to the word, a large book. Some people in her church compromise and make life easier by giving into the other gods’ festivals.