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Painting of Gethsemane
2 Judas.jpeg
3 Caiaphas.jpeg
Painting of Peter in the stations of the cross
Painting of Pilate in the stations of the cross
6 The flogging.jpeg
7 Jesus takes up his cross.jpeg
9 The prophesy.jpeg
8 Simon of Cyrene.jpeg
10 The crucifixion.jpeg
11 Hands that flung stars into space-1.j
12 Jesus speaks to Mary and John.jpeg
13 Jesus dies on the cross-1.jpeg
14 Jesus is laid in the tomb .jpeg

Stations of the cross

These 14 panels are 20cm x 60cm, watercolour and oil on panel, with gold and silver leaf. They were commissioned by Dan Henderson the vicar of St Andrews church Hove. They depict the last 24 hours of Jesus' life. Sometimes this is called the Via Dolorosa. Please click on the images or video below for the comments and bible verses.

The Journey to the Cross,

St Andrews Hove.

14 paintings depicting Jesus' journey to the cross accompanied with Bible readings

Video by Dan Henderson

Paintings by Annelies Clarke

Press play below or click on the YouTube link:

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